Employee Commitment Analysis

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Employee commitment has become a prominent topic of interest for workplace and organizational researchers and psychologists in recent years. Irefin & Mechanic (2014) conducted a research piece on the “Effect of Employee Commitment on Organizational Performance in Coca Cola Nigeria Limited Maiduguri, Borno State. This paper aimed to examine the level of employee commitment to a particular company, in this case Coca Cola, and investigate would these levels influence organizational performance and employee turnover while also analysing dimensions of employee commitment. The Cambridge English dictionary defined commitment in the terms of a “willingness to give time and energy to something that you believe in, or a promise or firm decision to do …show more content…

Therefore the rationale for this study is deemed plausible as, with most other researchers it’s a popular topic. Copious amounts of studies have been developed investigating the relationship and effect between commitment and numerous other variables (Mowday, Porter, & Steers, 2013). The most sought after being employee turnover and standards to which work is done within a particular organisation. Levels of commitment have been seen to strongly predict the desire each individual may hold to work productively and with aims only to benefit the company and work towards goals set by the organisation (Steers, 1977). Numerous amounts of studies have been performed investigating this topic of interest. With findings delivered from research, strategies can be developed and put in place to maximise not only commitment levels, but the work that ensues with these high levels to reach the standard of work an organisation pursue to obtain. Within most organisations or working companies, the level to which an employee is committed reflects the standard of work produced (Rusbult & Farrell, 1938). Employee commitment and organisational performance has been reported to greatly predict turnover (Sims & Kroeck, 1994). As would be expected the level to which an individual commits to and organisation can and …show more content…

As mentioned within this report, this study was specifically focused of a Nigerian sample. As stated by Bandura (2002), cultural context in any given scenario is said to be a predicting factor for the outcome of an individual’s behaviour. One can assume numerous regions around the world vary in regards to attitudes to work, the work produced and many other varying factors (Kirkman & Shapiro, 2001). If assumed that cultural context plays a significant role in the outcome of working behaviours and attitudes, a study such as this can only reasonably be related back to the Nigerian sample, and that sample only. Meyer, Srinivas, Lal, & Topolnytsky (2007) investigated employee commitment and performance within the workplace. Although not specifically aimed at relating employee turnover, but relating back to performance, this study did suggest a positive correlation between commitment and the support received from colleagues and those in a higher working position. Although this correlation is predominately seen within research, it was suggested the level to which these relationships correlate, varied across each culture studied (Chen & Francesco, 2000). Taking into account the continuous relationship seen with employee commitment, the varied results related to cultural context and differences is one to be taken into consideration when reporting

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