Employee Motivation Case Study

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CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Background of Study

Motivation is an issue that is often relevant to be studied. In 1901 to 1951 the important motivational theories issued, that is Maslow 's hierarchy of needs (1943), Herzberg
Two-factor theory or as known as motivation-hygiene theory (1959) and Vroom expectancy theory (1964). They gave emphasis to the investigation general motivation and employee motivation more specifically. In the previous, various definition motivations has been identified, for example, Herzberg (1959) stated that worker motivation once as performing a work related action because you want to (as cited by Keijzers. B. (2010)

There are multitude of factors that interfere on the effective delivery of crucial services among government …show more content…

This study will also to provide managers useful information on how employees’ performances can be increased by motivating them

1.2 Problem of the Statement

The government servant in Malaysia plagued with a multitude of factors that interfere on the effective delivery of crucial services, which it provides. Workers are bad performance due to the fact that they are not highly motivated. Some of them are not willing to leave because they are enjoying some benefits in terms of promotion which leads to increase in salaries, wages, bonuses and other incentives.

According to many researches, there exist many common and different points in the field of motivation. This study is designed to have better understanding on factors of employee motivation and their influence upon job performance among government servant in Malaysia. The research focuses on exploring variables that drive employees’ motivation. However, the scope of the research is limited to determining the level of motivational factors of employees in Malaysian service …show more content…

Mohammad SaeidAarabi, Indra Devi Subramaniam& Abu Baker Almintisir Abu Baker Akeel

3.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the researcher will discuss how research is conducted. In order to produce great quality research, methods of data collection and analyzing the data is the most appropriate for the findings to be obtained and consistent with the goals to be achieved by the researcher in this study. This section will attempt to discuss in detail the steps that will be taken to carry out the research. The research will have to carried out in order to acquire information that will support the research objectives.

3.2 Research Design

This is essentially a descriptive research that applies quantitative approach and uses the survey method to collect data. The focus of this research is on employees of servicing organizations in Malaysia. Aside from that, his study focuses on the motivation factors includes payment, job security, promotion, freedom, friendly environment, and training as independent variable and their influence on job performance as dependent variable. The research instrument used in this study is

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