Factor Of Motivation Essay

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Motivation and study of employee efficiency is one of the most significant areas of an organization. We live in a information age today where each organization is focused upon good feedback system and flow of information in the desired pattern. All organizations in today’s world are just not valued on the bases of their intellectual capital plays a great role in its establishment. Motivation is one of the most important methods contributing towards improvement in the employee performance and work understanding so the efficiency of the employee at his workplace is affected with the level of motivation employee possess. Efficient methods of motivation organization implements, higher the efficiency of employees is seen. Demotivated employees of an organization cost significantly more and lack in efficiency in comparison to the motivated employees of an organization.

Investment towards the assessment of motivation level of the employees of an organization is a long term benefit of the organization. Study of the level of employee motivation in an organization shall improve the work place. Implementation of the different motivational technique based …show more content…

If an employee is leaving responsibility for something or someone or if they are your responsibility. It is your or an individual, employee responsibility or duty to deal within them & to take decisions relating to them. For an employee the most important thing is to have a sense of responsibility, commitment & concern toward his/her organization. It is clearly stated that duty of every employee is towards his organization and towards the society i.e. corporate social responsibility. There are a few factors which are taken into consideration when we talk about sense of responsibility. These are given

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