Employee Attitudes And Job Satisfaction

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Hoppock Robert (2011). Giving considerable attention to worker adjustment. Study suggested that adjustment was multi dimensional, they had reflected in a worker’s health, earnings, percentage of time unemployed, satisfaction in human relations and job satisfaction. Initial study conducted used semistructured interviews then asked to note the things they like and the things they disliked. The participants completed self report measures of overall job satisfaction and satisfaction with specific aspects of their job like supervision, coworkers and pay.
Swarnalatha C and Sureshkrishna G (2012). Organisations are undergoing many challenges these days in terms of competition, innovation, productivity and work force diversity. Employees’s commitment …show more content…

Happy employees are productive employees. Employees have attitude and viewpoints about many aspects in their jobs and career, however the most focused in the research and practice is job satisfaction. There is influence of culture or country on the employee attitudes and job satisfaction. The most notable influence on job satisfaction can be nature of work itself. Studies show that dissatisfied employees are likely to quit their job or be absent than satisfied employees. organisation must direct to a better understanding of the interplay between the person and the situation and the various internal and external factors that influence employee attitude.
Kula Sedat and Guler Ahmet (2014). Study examines whether and to what degree supervisor support is associated with job satisfaction making age, rank, gender, education and working unit as a constant in the analysis. Satisfaction in the workplace is driven by the motivation. Based on the findings the supervisory support has a significant and positive impact on the job satisfaction levels of the employees. It is not only to increase their wellbeing but also to improve their organisational …show more content…

Study attempts to evaluate job satisfaction of employees in different companies. it investigates the impact of type, work experience, age and sex differences on attitude towards job satisfaction. the objective is to assess the satisfaction level of employees in industry and to identify the factors influencing job satisfaction. Study is conducted to analyse the factors that are needed to improve the job satisfaction level. The result shows that salary, efficiency in work, supervision and co-worker relation are the most important factors.
Shen Kian Tan , Fauziah Wan Yusoff Wan and Rajah Sivan (2014). The most empirical researches have concluded their finding with positive relationship between Motivation and job satisfaction.Discussions have clearly proven that Motivation and Job Satisfaction are sharing similar dependant variables but they will not guarantee same impact towards organisational behaviours. Job satisfaction is defined as the attitude towards job related emotions whereas motivation is behaviour pay-out as resulted from drive

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