Endometrial Dating Research Paper

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Noyes criteria: Endometrial dating This is a histological method. It was established in 1950. It helps in the assessment of both the morphology and function of cells. This method was outdated. Pinopodes: The pinopodes are the microscopical structures in the luminal surface of the endometrium. They are smooth mushroom like projections. Usually seen in the window of implantation period. They are the markers of endometrial receptivity. It presents for about 24-48 hours. Natural cycle day 19 to day 21. In stimulated cycle it occurs 1-2 days earlier. Three stages of pinopode development: • Developing pinopode • Fully developed pinopode • Regressing pinopode The functions of pinopodes are not clear. Suggested mechanism- pinocytosis and the …show more content…

It helps in the assessment of endometrium for the treatment of infertility, Here the receptivity of the endometrium is assessed by measuring the thickness of the endometrium, the endometrial pattern and the endometrial blood flow. These are most effective in the assessment of receptivity. 1. Endometrial thickness: Ditance between the echogenic interfaces (endometrium and myometrium). The thickness of endometrium should be 7mm or greater. This is associated with higher pregnancy rate. 2. Endometrial pattern: It is the echogenesity of the myometrium and endometrium. Grading- Gonen and Casper grading system(1990) Type a- it is a homogenous hyperechoic pattern. No central echogenic line. Type b- intermediate iso echogenic pattern. Absent echogenic central line. Type c- multilayered triple line pattern. It shows prominent outer and cental hyper echogenic line and the inner hypo echogenic or black region. 3. Endometrial blood flow: It is measured with the help of colour doppler. The good endometrial blood flow is essential for the proper implantation. Therefore the blood flow assessment of endometrium is important for the patients undergoing

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