Standard English Quirk Summary

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Randolph Quirk in his Article made this point of Non-English-Speaking countries he argues that in countries like Japan where the English language is less known to the students in their classrooms, they know the variety of English language and their teachers doesn’t have strong command over the standard English and that’s why when children in Japan utter some sentences of their less known variety of English language they are not corrected and uncorrected by their teachers because they are not opening their students to the standard English language. They are not given this environment of speaking English language in their classrooms with such precision and the students also knows the fact that standard English will enable their career opportunities …show more content…

In another researched article Randolph quirk mentions that Spanish children living in New-York are likely to spend more of their time with black children rather than white children so the standard English brought by them to the classrooms is more of a reflection of black English because they spent most of their time with black children in New-York streets. Their peers outside the classrooms is not of standard English but of Black English in which they have seen phrasing a sentence like ‘I don’t have none’ a correct use of black English …show more content…

India is one of the leading country to have English as an internal language like America and Britain. People like Gandhi and Nehru first made use of English Language to liberate themselves from British Raj and thus English is known to them as liberation linguistics. And many people speak English there and they can be judged easily when they make use of this language that the person is an Indian speaker because of their style of speaking English language. India is now a free country and they freely use English language in their daily basis communication. But other countries also shows equal footing like Ghana, Filipinos, and Malaysia etc. the policies made by other countries to make language true cannot be abided by, these countries tend to protect the national variety of English language to justify inability to acquire what they persist in seeing as real English. In another event, where Indira Gandhi left the hall because she could not understand the Indian speaker speaking in English and then she understood that if she could not understand the language then the language still needs to be standardized when she asked the education minister to take steps about that so that Indian literature could be saved and

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