Escape From Technology Essay

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Modern day technology has begun consuming nearly every person’s life. Young and old, people seem to be attached to their smart phones, tablets, computers or televisions. More often than not, many forms of technology will be found all throughout a workplace, home, or school. Therefore, an escape from it is sometimes necessary. There is no better way to escape technology than taking a trip to the mountains, in the vast wilderness far from any form of electricity. As you are hiking through the mountains you will not only be getting much needed exercise, you will also be able to better separate yourself from technology. Through hiking you will be able to experience the true beauty of nature with your own eyes, not through a monitor. However, it is important to remember that such a trip will not be as comfortable as your own home. All hikers should bring certain essential items on their journey. These are: food; clothing; and, supplies.
Firstly, on your journey through the mountains you will not have the ability to find a fast food restaurant for a quick meal. It is important to remember to pack …show more content…

The most important being a knife or multitool, and matches. Both of these items will assist you with starting a fire allowing you to cook food and act as a source of light. Additionally a knife will allow you to easily open canned food you have pack that do not have a easy-to-open pull tab or, if need be, it may act as a weapon. While not as important, packing a cooking pot and flashlight will assist you significantly. The cooking pot will allow you to remain sanitary as you cook your food. The flashlight will allow you to see further distances, without the danger or use of a fire. It is also advisable to bring a mosquito net to protect you from pesky, disease-carrying insects, and a tent to protect you from the elements. Both of these items will also insure that you get the most comfortable experience that you can on your hiking

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