Importance Of Motivation To Study

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What are your motivations to study?
After I finished my SPM, I had no ideas of which pathway that I should go. I was very confusing on choosing which course I should take because there were too many choices out there, such as business, finance, medicine and so on. I did a lot of online researches and none of them were my interest. Engineering had never came into my mind. It all happened in one day that I went to an education fair which I met an education counsellor. She recommended me to study foundation in engineering based on my preferences. At first, I was not so sure about what actually an engineer do. Thus, I did more researches specifically on engineering and then I realized that I am interested in becoming an engineer because they are …show more content…

Studies are not only just to score excellent results in exam but what it really matters is the knowledge that I had learnt during my university 's life. The main objective on getting into degree is because all the knowledge that I gained from my studies can be easily applied into my future career. Besides that, I would rather spend my holiday during semester break for my internship with the lecturers or any engineering related companies. Internship could provide me with all those real life experiences that I could not learn from the textbooks. The knowledge that I get from the textbooks is all in theoretical form, thus the internship or even my future career is the place that I can apply my knowledge into practical skills. I would be one of the engineers that contribute to the society in future after successfully graduated from my degree. In this society, most of the things are all related to mechanics. If I am a successful mechanical engineer, I want to troubleshoot the problems faced in our daily life and draft a concept to solve the problem. I would apply problem-solving skills, conceptual and planning skills to design or modify a mechanical

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