Thesis About Unmotivating Employees

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CHAPTER 1 – THE PROBLEM: WHY YOU LEARNED TO HATE YOUR JOB “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou, Poet, and civil rights activist We are all familiar with what it is like to feel stuck at our jobs, which we learned to hate. Each moment of every working day points to a strenuous struggle, from the moment you hear harshly the alarm clock chimes and rouses you out of bed to the moment you leave despairingly from your workplace. In between those despondent moments, you simply spend most of your time fearing what might the next workday has in store for you. You feel insecure. You become uncomfortable. Indeed, all these situations evoke negative vibes, both for your employer and yourself! …show more content…

They just never knew that no one really wants to report to work with the intentions of being unmotivated. One of the most significant aspects of the workplace is instilling motivation amongst everyone. It is not the people per se who work in it! Misunderstanding this basic premise is just how these reprehensible superiors manifest their …show more content…

Hence, create happiness in, and at, your job! Part of creating your happiness at work denotes not entertaining thoughts of quitting your job instantly and moving on towards your subsequent job adventure once you are experiencing a rough sailing. Try fixing your sails against the harsh conditions. Essentially, it denotes evaluating your present position— yourself vis-à-vis your job— including those from your previous working stints. This way, you will be able to decipher or resolve exactly why the job does not suit you best. Certainly, such evaluations would never leave you crying over spilled milk for saying goodbye on your employments across brief spans of years. On that account, you will be able to apply each of your past and present working experiences in guiding you towards shaping your next best job position. In short, undergoing a clear evaluation process— with both you and your job itself— brings you in proximity to your ideal job position. Squeezing out the most for each of your job opportunities, as well as those you have ended up learning to hate, you should fathom them profoundly. You should pick and view separately each dimension of your job so you can figure out reasons why you are having fearful expectations and hating to report for duty every working

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