Essay About Homeless People

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Portland has a big problem in that there are more homeless people than the city has been able, or willing, to cater for. At least 4000 people sleep on the streets or in shelters all over Portland. The homeless population is made up of different age groups from babies to the old. Some of them consist of entire families that have no other choice but to take to the streets. The reasons for them being in that position are diverse, ranging from financial difficulty to mental illness and drug addiction that has spiralled out of control. Some people have been victims of the liquidity crisis and recession and have been evicted from their homes. With no money left, they have no choice but to sleep out on the streets or in shelters.
Part of the problem is that homeless people are not economically empowered. Jobs are getting increasingly hard to come by. This applies more to the homeless people because half the time they have no clean clothes or access to a shower. Not many companies would hire a smelly, dirty …show more content…

Micro-Community Homes are small 500 square foot apartments that range from studio size to apartments with 2 bedrooms. They are cheaper than standard accommodation and are more affordable for low income people. These houses will allow homeless people to live with dignity, which has so far been a luxury that they cannot afford. Studies have shown that providing these homes for the homeless is cheaper than criminalizing homelessness. The amount of money spent in accommodating incarcerated homeless people and storing their properties is so much more than what would be spent in providing them with this low cost housing. Of course this is an initiative that will require corporate communities to work together with the charities, ordinary citizens and the government to make sure that it will be a success story that is told in the

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