Essay About Moral Values

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A. Background of The Study
Learning English in junior high school is important for the students to equip themselves to face the advance of technology it is today. Some jobs require people to be able to use English. That is why learning English from an early age to be done to prepare them for life in the future.
Status of English in Indonesia is the foreign language. Many Indonesians who rarely use English, even some of them did not get to use the English language. This is because they never learn English at all. In this case, the decision in setting the English lesson from an early age in school was the right decision. This second language should be given to children to make it easier to understand and faster to apply English. If many people …show more content…

Moral value is a value that teaches about living arrangements, behavioral norms, as well as the application of a positive character. Therefore, the cultivation of moral values from an early age is very important. Children will be easier given learning moral values and longer inherent in their thinking about behaving. So that the positive moral values will be applied to them until they mature or even a lifetime. But in fact, teaching the moral values is not easy because every human being has a desire to be free and live without rules. Nowadays, a lot of behaviors that deviate from moral values. Many children who have lost their respect to elders. The impact of the media are increasingly sophisticated and a lot of school children who use social media so they are very easy to get information from various sources. As a result of which they can update easily, it will affect also in their moral and their character. Not only positive things but also negative information that they get. Especially in junior high school students like the eighth-grade students who are looking for the identity of themselves will be very easily influenced. They always follow the new things they get. Whether it 's positive or negative. The impact is on their own moral values.
Base on the problems, the writer wants to see if the textbooks that have used the eighth-grade students to learn English

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