Essay About Mother Tongue

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A mother tongue-based multilingual education program for the first four years of schooling (K-3) was implemented by the government of the Philippines in 2012. A national survey, including 50 students in LDC was conducted to determine the challenges that teachers faced and strategies in program implementation in three years into the program. Mother tongue refers to the language which a person has grown up speaking for early childhood according to the Oxford dictionary.
Mother tongue or first language also known as dialect or native language. It is the first language learned from his/her that is acquired of one’s parents that is indigenous language. It is also specifying to use the language of one’s ethnic group or indigenous people. The mother …show more content…

In contrast, language can be described as the individual capability and use for simple to complex systems of communication. (Washington 20 Feb 2015.)
The choice of the mother tongue as the basic learning instrument helps in thinking clearly and creatively. A student can apply reading, writing and arguing skills more persuasively in his/her mother tongue. Using mother tongues helps students use their talent effectively. As a student, I observe that most of my colleague find it difficult to comprehend the significance of a subject because of unfamiliarity with English no substitute for mother tongue, introduce it in Class VIII: Governor Ram Naikhe foreign language.
As a student, I observe that most of the college students find it difficult to understand the significance of a subject because of obliviousness with the foreign language, (BITAB NIAZ, 2012) Using mother tongues helps the students use their talent efficaciously. A students can apply, reading, writing, and arguing skills more productively in his/her mother tongue. Mother tongue as the basic and more effective learning instruments for the students to help them to think clearly and

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