My Experience In College

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My experience occurred very recently in the first few weeks of college. In the second week of college I had my first college exam ever and I was very nervous. I did not think that I was going to do so well because I did not know the material very well. Going into the exam I was scared and did not know what to expect on this first exam. Thinking in my head before the exam I was worried and did not feel prepared at all. After the test I was sure that I failed and I was disappointed in myself even though I knew I was not going to do good. When I received the test score back I was upset because I failed my first exam in college. In my mind I said to myself that I was going to try harder and do better in the next thing that we learned. That …show more content…

We went over the things in class but I was very confused because I could hardly remember the things we did in high school. I also was not sure how to work the website at the time that we had to do our homework on. I did not study for the exam either so that also made me get the grade I got. After the exam I really paid attention in class I wrote down step by step how to do each problem and started to understand how to do each problem. Then once I figured out how to work the online homework I really started to understand how to do the problems. I believe that I am an active learner for many reasons. I like to see things being done in front of me and I like to follow along with what is being taught. I like to physically do something rather than having someone explain it to me. I also believe that I am a visual learner. I do not like lectures I prefer seeing slides on the screen or pictures to explain what we are learning. I like to see what is being taught to me than having it told to …show more content…

One of the major setbacks were that I was adjusting from high school to college in a short amount of time. Also another setback was that I did not know what to expect on my first exam at all. I was also getting used to new teachers and new teaching styles. Another setback was that I could not remember most of the things that we needed to know from high school that were going to be on the exam. The ways that I overcame all of these setbacks was with time. Going from high school to college was a big difference and I needed to get used to all of the differences with time. Now that I am a few more weeks into college I am more used to it and I feel more comfortable in class. The person that supports my learning the most would be my boyfriend. He is very supportive and always motivates me to do good in school. He also supports my learning by helping me with my math homework because he has already taken the math that I am in right now. This experience started off rough and soon got much better. I started off not understanding hardly anything that we were learning in class also I was also getting used to a new school. Using my learning style, I soon started understanding more and more. Changes that I could have had to my experience was starting off the year with my learning style instead of having to learn from my mistake. Also I could have tried to figure out how to do the online homework before the class even

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