Personal Narrative: The New Generation

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What if today, when you woke up, you found out your family had vanished completely? With no chance of them returning, would you be satisfied with the last 24 hours you spent with them? Or would you be desperate to turn back time and change how you interacted with them? In this unpredictable, crime filled world, losing your family overnight can be the reality for anyone and is the reality for some. I have noticed that the new generation is becoming unconsciously selfish and expecting that we are forgetting to value the important things in life that money can’t buy, like family.
In this new generation where God is no longer our main salvation, I am starting to notice a lack of appreciation. We may not realize it, but our family does so much for us. So, much, that they do not get appreciated enough. Your family is your backbone. Without your family, you would have little to no support. They are always there to turn to in bad times and they will forgive you when you make mistakes. When I was a child, I was in a serious house fire, my mum risked her life to enter the burning building to save …show more content…

The new generation doesn’t understand how much we should be appreciating the fact that we have a family! I admit that I am sometimes guilty of the lack of appreciation too, some people don’t have parents to cook them dinner and I’m complaining that my mother puts too much spice in food. Some families are not supportive at all and expect their children to follow their beliefs. Some families even turn away their children when their child marries a person of the same gender or different race or religion and that’s heartbreaking. We must appreciate our family when they support our decisions because some families do not support their children’s

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