Essay On Pygmy

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Introduction The pygmy is an African tribe living in the central Africa. Pygmies live in different African countries including Cameroon, Gabon,Equatorial Guinea and Congo. They tend to live in smaller groups near the rivers. Pygmy is one of the earliest inhabitants of the African continent. The origin of pygmy is a mystery; there are a lot of arguments when they started their existence. The earliest research showed that the pygmy lived approximately 60000 years ago. There are different ethnic groups within the pygmies; the names are Baka pygmy, Bakola-Bagyeli pygmy, Bedzan pygmy, Bakoya pygmy and Aka pygmy. As our project is to build the hotel for one of the indigenous people, the hotel is going to be based on Baka pygmy. Baka tribe mainly live in the South-Eastern Cameroon numbering about 30 000 individuals, but you can also see them in Congo and Gabon. The Baka people, often called a people of hunter-gatherers, are well known for their hunting skills, because it is their main activity; they hunt, for example, small antelope using with large nets, traps, and bows. Music and dancing are the huge part of their culture. Unlike many other Central African …show more content…

Traditional Baka huts are called móngulu and they are mainly built with leaves and branches for one family, but now Baka villages have rectangular plan and they are made of mud, bark or leaves. As it is impossible to make the hotel from these materials, I decided to build it with sturdy material and create an appearance of these huts. There are going to be small one-floor villages with 2-3 rooms inside. The number of these villages will be approximately 200. My hotel will have 2 restaurants and two areas for the cultural entertainments, such as hunting, dancing and singing. Food and

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