Essay About Study Habits

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Study Habits
Learning is highly complex process in education. Different psychologists have tried to explain this in their own ways.
The Oxford English Dictionary (2007) defines “Learning” as knowledge got by study; to get knowledge by study.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2004) Defines “Learning” as knowledge gained through reading and study. On the other side “Habit” is defined as something that you do regularly or usually, often without thinking about it because you have done it so many times before”.
Above definitions suggests that learning is the end point of study. In other words we can say that, learning involves the development of proper study habits and skills. Habits are not innate abilities like intelligence, but they are generally formulated, acquired, cultivated and fixed by repeated efforts. “Poor habits of study not only retard school progress but develop frustration, destroy initiative and confidence and make prominent the feeling of worthlessness …show more content…

People want to succeed academically for which they may have everything, a good school, university, good facilities for studying, but without preparation, they can never get success. Poor study habits is one of the major and most persistent problem among the students. Pupils need good study habits to trigger success. Creating good study habits is essential for success in school. “Study is the total of all the habits, determine progress and enforce practices that the individual uses in order to learn. Study is hard work; no easy substitute is available” (Armstrong, 1956). Study habits are intended to elicit and guide one 's cognitive processes during learning. According to Patel (1976) study habits include home environment & planning of work, reading & note taking habits, planning of subjects, habits of concentration, preparation for examination, general habits & attitudes, school

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