Essay About The Moon Around The Earth

886 Words4 Pages

Full Article About The Moon
19: File Under: articles, astronomy, Moon



The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth, and is the largest natural satellites in the solar system. The moon does not have its own source of light and moon light actually comes from the reflected light of the Sun.

The Moon around the Earth



The full moon




Half moon full moon




The pocked surface of the Moon




Craters on the Moon



The average distance earth-moon from the Center to the Center is 384,403 km, about thirty times the diameter of Earth. The diameter of the Moon is 3474 km, slightly smaller than a quarter the diameter of the Earth. This means the volume of the Moon is only about 2 percent of the volume of the Earth's gravitational pull and on its surface about 17 percent than the pull of gravity upon Earth. The moon revolves around the Earth once every 27.3 days (perode orbit), and the periodic variations in the earth-moon-Sun is responsible for the occurrence of Moon phases repeat every day 29.5 (perode sinodik).

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Moon drawn by gravitational forces of the earth didn't fall to earth caused by centrifugal force arising from the orbit of the Moon around the Earth. The magnitude of the centrifugal force of the Moon is slightly bigger than the style of attraction between the Earth and moon grafvitasi. This led to a month of getting away from the Earth at a speed of approximately 3, 8cm/tahun.


The Moon is in synchronous orbit with the Earth, this leads to only one side of the surface of the moon can be observed from Earth. Synchronous orbit causes the rotation of the same epoch by epoch of the revolution.

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