Warm Up For Beautiful Women Essay

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Often, I come across PUA advice to first "warm up" with the less good looking women. The idea is to first approach the less attractive women so you can get "warmed up" and ready for the really attractive ones.

When I consider this advice, I truly wonder to myself as to why in the world you would possibly want to do that.

Would you, for instance, warm up to start talking to your friends? No? How about warming up to talk to your co-workers?

Of course you wouldn't, therefore, there's no need to warm up for beautiful women, either.

As a matter of fact, raising your standards and solely approaching the most beautiful women you can find is extremely beneficial to you, while at the other hand, approaching less attractive women is very counterproductive …show more content…

This has many advantages for you because beautiful and ugly women think very differently from each other. What works on average looking women often doesn't work on astonishingly beautiful women.
Second, raising your standards to only seduce the most beautiful women you can find is actually very charming, and therefore, very beneficial to you. When beautiful women notice that you only go for the very best women you can find, and that you date them, they will be highly complimented. Furthermore, this also tells women you are not desperate, to the contrary. This, too, is highly beneficial to you as all women are absolutely turned off by desperate men, while at the same time, turned on by men with a lot of options. When you convey that you only go for the very best women you can find, this implies to her that you have many options.
Third, since you will only approach and seduce the very best women you can find, these will be the only women you'll actually do end up sleeping with. Basically, raising your standards means you'll only sleep with the women you actually want to sleep with in the first

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