Essay Minor League Sports Should Not Be Banned

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Benjamin W. Noble
Mrs. Hannan
Honors English 10
16 May 2023
Why Minor League Sports Should Not Be Banned Drinking alcohol, smoking, driving, overeating: all are dangerous habits people do. If people are willing to drink, smoke, or drive, why is society so against minor league sports? (Analogy) Minor league sports should not be banned because the pros of minor league sports outweigh the cons they cause due to the physical benefits, the psychological benefits, and while injuries may be common, sports are always changing for the safety of children. Minor league sports should not be banned because of the physical benefits they give to children. One example would be preventing obesity in youths and minors, one of the greatest issues in America …show more content…

Injuries are very common and sports have been known to cause them. In an article called “Many Kids are Overdoing it When it Comes to Sports, and That’s Dangerous,” the author, Ryan Basen proclaims “Overuse injuries are…common,” and “A study…found that high school athletes who played one sport for more than eight months in a year were nearly three times as likely as others to suffer overuse knee injuries.” While sports may be fun, they do have increased risks of injuries. Because they are so common, many parents believe minor league sports should not be played; however, sports are constantly changing for the safety of children. Sports have evolved so much since when they were first created. According to Ben Smith in the article, “While NFL Concussions are Down, Parents Continue to Debate Football Safety” by Kelly Wallace, “Hitting has dramatically changed the game from when I was on the field over 20 years ago. In the end, it comes down to the league, training and coaches. You have to be comfortable that they are putting safety first.” Sports coaches and monitors are trying to keep young people safe while allowing them to have fun. People have developed new techniques to secure the protection of youths too. In her article, “While NFL Concussions are Down, Parents Continue to Debate Football Safety,” Wallace claims “Coaches are educated on how to deal with concussions and how to teach safer ways to tackle, where players are taught to keep their heads up and to lead contact with their shoulders, not their heads.” Before, players would lead contact with their heads, causing concussions among other injuries. Nevertheless, people continued to play sports and they were able to evolve for the better. Technology has also improved. Wallace also states “‘Smart’ football helmet[s] may help detect concussions.” If these smart helmets can detect concussions, the injured child will be able to be rushed to the