Essay On Act Of God

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What is Act of God?
Vis major means act of god. An act of god is the event, which is uncontrollable by human. "Act of God’ in its legal sense and in the simplest of words means such inevitable accident as cannot be prevented by human care, skill, or foresight. An act of act of god is generally considered an attributable to nature without human interference. Act of god is generally considered as a natural calamity or natural disasters which is unforeseeable by nature. In this case generally there is no one is responsible for the harm caused in disaster or An events that directly or exclusively results from the occurrence of natural causes that could not have been prevented by the exercise of foresight or caution and inevitable accident. In terms of contract, act of god denotes those accidents which arise physical causes which cannot be prevented.
Act of god is a natural catastrophe which no can prevent such as a volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tornado or landslides etc. Many insurance company in their respective policies exempt coverage for damages caused by the act of god, which is the only time when insurance company gets religious. Where as many other insurance company will not cover the harm caused by natural disaster or calamity. The reason of this disputes is the question arises there whether that act of natural disaster is foreseeable or not. …show more content…

Marsland , there was a defence taken of Act of God, which is successfully accepted by the court. The case is about that, the defendant has created some artificial lakes on his own land by using some natural streams. And unfortunately as not expected there was an extraordinary heavy rainfall, which is stated as one of the heaviest rainfall in a human memory, as result of which the lakes embankments droves away. Which washed away the plaintiff’s four bridges. It is stated by the court that the defendant is not liable for the act as it was unforeseeable to him and it beyond of his

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