Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Energy Drinks

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Energy drinks are separate from sports drinks such as Aquarius, 100 plus, etc. The first energy drink was launched in 1929 in UK. The energy drink was introduced as a hospital drink for recovering the energy lost in the body. The energy drinks were developed as a drink for replenishing the loss of energy from the body. Energy drinks are usually made up of caffeine, taurine, sugar, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and some other herbs which is typically drink during or after sporting activity or to overcome the tiredness.
Caffeine is the main ingredient of energy drink which is also presented in coffee, tea or soft drink. The consumption of the caffeine at a higher dose may lead to adverse effects in the cardiovascular (relating to the heart and blood vessels), …show more content…

Energy drinks are basically consumed by the sports person for the fast retrieve of the energy loss during the competition or exercise.
9. Energy drinks are also available in zero calorie drinks that can provide the caffeine without the intake of calories and sugar.

1. Caffeine and other ingredients in the energy drinks can increase the heart rate and heartbeats if consumed by people with heart problems, so people with heart problems cannot consume energy drinks or can consume in the limited amount which is suggested by the doctor.
2. Energy drinks can lead to serious headaches and migraines just because energy drinks contain caffeine which produces alertness and sleep dissatisfaction to the person who consume it in the maximum amount.
3. Energy drinks are also very high in sugar which will increase the level of sugar if consumed by a diabetic patient or person.
4. Energy drinks are made up of some ingredients which interfere with the medication of the person especially if the person is taking medication for depression.
5. Energy drinks can lead to insufficiency of work if the person is dependent when he/she has financial stress, depressed, anxiety,

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