Essay On African Americans After The Civil Rights Movement

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Since the beginning of slavery, African Americans have gone through and endured a lot within American history. Slavery went on for many years from 1776 to 1886, African Americans went through many ups and downs in this time frame. The Civil War ended in 1865, the reconstruction period, which was African Americans trying to live in a society where they were not slaves anymore. This period had many difficulties for African Amercians, where Whites still had the mindset that African Americans are still slaves. The Civil War happened to abolish slavery, why were African Americans still fighting for basic civil rights? Stated before there was a period of time called the reconstruction, was this period of time not strong enough to rebuild the new …show more content…

This movement was to end all racial segregation across the United States and for African Americans it has equal rights. Many would boycott, protest, and even lobby government officials for legislative actions. As they did all this stuff, some did get punished for it, like beatings, arrests and even assassination for participating in this Civil Right Movement. This was a huge movement that initially guaranteed a promising future for African Americans. They’re are some key moments within this movement that helped African Americans. Brown v Board of Education, happened in 1952 and ended in 1954. This landmark court case was to end all racial segregation in public schools, in the end the Supreme agreed and ruled unanimously with ending the segregation, but also “overturning the “separate but equal” principle set forth in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1889.” The next key moment involves Rosa Parks, she plays a huge role in this, she was a civil rights activist that was arrested when refusing to give up her seat for a white passenger. This happened in 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama.After the arrest of Rosa Park, there was a boycott called “The Montgomery Bus Boycott”3 As more key moments happened and have been passed within laws, Little Rock school integration crisis. After Brown v. …show more content…

The Civil War and a huge impact on African Americans , entering a new society where they’re free citizens in the United States. Fighting in war to abolish slavery, but in the end that didn’t change anything, as mentioned after the war segregation happened when former confederates pushed segregation. When everything went backwards, African Americans couldn’t do many things… once again, they couldn’t vote, enroll in school, travel freely, they would get arrested, beaten or even killed if caught. Back to having no rights, African Americans were frustrated and angry, they were fighting for basic civil rights. Why was it that a war still couldn’t end all segregation? The Civil Rights movement has more importance and was ultimately the reason why segregation ended. The key reason why the Civil Rights movement was so powerful was because of the activists who played such a significant role, these activists were fighting for rights. Of course the Civil war plays a significant role, nevertheless Rosa Park was the initially sparked this movement. Many watched and knew this wasn't okay, understanding the difference and seeing the significant keys will show you that the Civil Rights movement was more powerful than the Civil War. The reasoning for that was the activist, all these African Americans who weren’t scared to fight for basic rights. At this time it was a huge risk to request and