Essay On Air Pollution

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In a world with advancing industries, air quality is becoming an increasingly large issue. The quality of air is important due to its connection to all aspects of earth such as the climate, the environment, and the organisms, to name a few. Unfortunately, with the increasing use in fossil fuels, the air is being contaminated and all aspects of earth along with it. Through the use of factories and fuel inefficient cars, the atmosphere is being poisoned with an unnatural amount of greenhouse gases, passing down the problem to everything and everyone it impacts. For example, the excess greenhouse gas traps heat resulting in global warming, in turn, impacting the environment and humans breathing in the pollution causes health problems such as lung cancer or asthma. Air pollution proves to be a serious problem, one in which humans created but refuse to acknowledge, forcing us to deal with the consequences if not taken care of. We, as a global society, must conscientiously control the amount of fossil fuels burned to protect the atmosphere because it affects the rest of the world. No matter where the pollution is created or what caused it, society must monitor toxic emissions because the contamination affects the globe as a whole in the form of climate change. If one country creates pollution the effects are felt around the world due to the rising temperatures of global warming. For example, Asia produces fifty percent more carbon dioxide emission than America and Europe combined

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