Essay On Antimicrobial

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An antimicrobial is an agent that kills or inhibits the growth or reproduction of microbes (i.e. antiseptics and disinfectants). Finding out which antiseptics and disinfectants are most effective is very important as without good health people cannot function properly in society and will be continuously sick. Non-organic antimicrobials were considered miracle chemicals when they were first introduced. Even though these products promise us a better lifestyle and a safer environment for families and children to grow up in, the overuse of antibacterial cleaning products in the house may be creating tough of multi-resistant bacteria. internet encouragement express the fact that germs in the house are dangerous and must be taken …show more content…

• To determine whether organic or non-organic antimicrobials work best in killing bacteria.
• To determine if organic or non-organic antiseptics or disinfectants could be effective antimicrobial agents on bacteria.

I have always wondered which antimicrobial product would work best when it came to maintaining a good and healthy lifestyle. Many non-organic detergents claim that they kill 99,9 % of all know germs but they never tell us how harmful they can also be to the environment. It is interesting to find out what happens to the 0,01 % bacteria that doesn’t get killed. With global warming in mind, I feel it is necessary to find alternative products which are organic and natural to fight bacteria without killing the good germs that are needed to fight certain illnesses and at the same time be friendly to the environment.


Are organic or non-organic antimicrobials most effective against the survival rate of bacteria?
There are many continuous disputes and options when it comes to personal hygiene and which products are best to use in order to live a healthy lifestyle. These sources will help us establish if ‘organic’ or ‘non-organic’ antimicrobials are most effective against the survival rate of bacteria and which products are dangerous for the

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