Blood Confusion Essay

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Blood is the most vital component of our bodies. It cannot be manufactured artificially, and should be only obtained from other human resources (donors) through what we call blood transfusion (Safizadeh, 2009). Blood transfusion is an important service of a health-care system through which you are contributing as a donor in saving lives of others as well as improving of their health status; among them, individuals suffered from accidents, patients with malaria, cancer, anemia or bleeding disorders such as hemophilia and thalassemia (Dodd, 2007).
There are various diseases that could be transmitted through blood donation. There are infectious diseases which may lead to prolonged illness or even death of the person who received the contaminated …show more content…

Although they are rare, inquiry about these practices is very important to screen for those at higher risk for AIDS. Therefore, the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia prepared a questionnaire that should be filled by all individuals who intended to donate blood for their own and overall community safety. All donors should be confident that answering these questions will benefit their health as well as community health and this could be reached through health education before donation. This questionnaire included some questions to explore the illegal sexual behavior to define the very small percentage of those practicing this behavior in our society. These questions are derived from the Donor History Questionnaire (DHQ) used internationally. The answers of these questions will be treated confidentially, only for the purpose of ensuring community safety. Your response to these questions is essential for you health as well as community safety.

Introducing educational materials to blood donors about importance of blood donation, dangerous diseases that could be transmitted through blood, necessity to inquire about certain behaviors before donation, including homosexuality, signs and symptoms associated with acute HIV and finally that individuals who have engaged in any activity or who have any risk factor that would result in a transmission of dangerous infectious agents though blood should not donate blood or blood components; will facilitate and encourage donor`s active participation in filling in the Ministry of Health

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