Linear Buckling Theory

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We will assume that the member is able to bend about one of the principal axes. (See Fig. 2). Initially, the strut will remain straight for all values of P, but at a particular value P = Pcr, it buckles. Let the buckling deformation at a section distant x from the end B be y. The critical force depends on: - Length of column - Cross-section (second moment of surface area) - Material property (Young’s modulus, in case of elastic material - Boundary condition (The boundary conditions determine the mode of bending and the distance between inflection points on the deflected column. The closer together the inflection points are, the higher the resulting capacity of the column.) Thus the Euler buckling analysis for a " straight" strut, will …show more content…

line , surface and solid bodies. Material properties required for buckling analysis Young’s Modulus Poisson’s ratio Material density boundary conditions Loading conditions - At least one structural load must be assigned which causes a buckling in component - In a buckling analysis all applied loads (F) are scaled by a multiplication factor (λ) until the critical (buckling) load is reached Constrains - The structure must be fully constrained to avoid rigid body motion - Avoid compression only support Buckling analysis setup Before doing buckling analysis a static structural analysis has to be performed Analysis setting The buckling loads and constrains are assigned in static structural analysis The solution from static structural analysis is input for the buckling analysis i.e. in buckling analysis the Pre-stress shown as Static

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