Bureaucracy In Nigeria Essay

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The 1999 constitution of Nigeria stipulates that, the country is to have an Executive President, who would be elected for a four year term in the first instance and would be assisted by a Vice-President. Unlike in the case of Nigeria where the President is elected for a period of four years, based on the simple majority system of voting, the French President is elected for a five year term based on absolute majority system of voting. The French administrative machinery is the Bureaucracy which has functioned consistently in line with the centralized system of administration. “This bureaucracy has been effective in many ways in governing even in the face of the instability of governments during the third and fourth republic’srespectively, and in the face of large scale economic and social change” (Enanya 2010:87). The French also has a bureaucracy organized in such a way that the administrative superelite, which is known as the grand’s corps can take some time off their administrative jobs, to take part in politics or business and return later to their administrative jobs …show more content…

The Mayor for instance promulgates and ensures implementation of laws, regulations and circular sent from Paris. The Mayor also register births, deaths and marriages among others. The district local units are in charge of housing services and fire fighting services (NOUN Course Guide 2006) "An administrative officer called the prefect heads each division. The prefect is subordinate to the administrative leadership of the Ministry of Interior in Paris. The prefect is responsible for coordinating the activities of all ministries within his division. The prefectural system facilities coordination and ensures that the political control of the central government is maintained throughout the country" (Alonge 2005:244). This enhances socio-political and administrative development of the local

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