Essay On Carbon Monoxide

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CO, which is also known as carbon monoxide. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless substance that is slightly less dense than air. Its formula is CO as mentioned already, its density is 115 kg/m^3, its molar mass is 28.01g/mol, whereas boiling point is -195.5 degree celsius, and its melting point is -205 degree celsius. It solubles in water, acetic acid, benzene, ethyl acid, etc. The reason I chose this molecule is because, this molecule is not at all like Co2, it is actually much more hazardous and dangerous than Co2. I picked this molecule because this seemed really interesting to me, not only because this is a molecule, but because this is really dangerous for our lives, this leads to the global significance about this molecule. So where does carbon monoxide come from? unvented kerosene, propane, gas space heaters, leaking chimneys, furnaces, back-drafting or spillage from furnaces, gas water heaters, wood stoves, and fireplaces. We use these equipments in our daily life, these equipments can lead us to Carbon Monoxide poisoning, and it can confirmed by these symptoms: Headache, Dizziness, Irritability, Confusion/Memory loss, Disorientation, Nausea and vomiting, Abnormal reflexes, Difficulty in coordinating, Difficulty in breathing, Chest Pain. This molecule is a really different, and interesting molecule.
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In the form of producer gas or water gas, it is used as a source of fuel in industrial operations. The gas is also an effective way for reducing something. For example, when carbon monoxide is passed over hot iron oxides, the oxides are reduced to metallic iron. That is one thing Carbon monoxide is used for. It manufactures numerous organic and inorganic chemical products which is done by the help of Carbon monoxide, it is also present in the exhaust gases of internal-combustion engines and furnaces as a result of incomplete conversion of carbon or carbon-containing fuels to carbon

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