Celebrity Endorser Gender Differences

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Gender Differences between the Perception of Male and Female Students of SMHS – SHS towards Celebrity Endorser
I. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
As a technologically civilized society, we are engaged in using gadgets and we have access to the internet. There are tabloids, social media, movies, blogs, and television that are plastered with the images of the celebrities that are screaming to be watched and read.
Who is a Celebrity? It is a person who is a well-known by the mass media and has a firm stand in the society or organizations and in the people’s mind. In the other hand, they are also human that can commit wrong doings and can have certain negative juncture; there is a possibility that they can be involve into some issues that …show more content…

Gabler (2001) introduces the concept of “human entertainment”, by which means that a celebrity is not just an entertainer, rather a person who by the process of living provides general entertainment for us.

Celebrity endorser
 Solomon (2009) stated that celebrity endorsement is the use of famous people like the actors, actresses, singers, dancers, musicians, artists and athletes. According to McCracken (1989), these famous people had a great influence on the consumer buying behavior of the individuals that is why it is the most powerful tool of advertising.

 According to Mowen and Minor, (1998) source credibility refers to the extent that a source is perceived to be believed with regard to expertise and trustworthiness. McCracken (1989) describe that source credibility is describing how trust and expertise influences the endorsement process. …show more content…

This study may help the future researchers to gain new knowledge that is related to the perception of the students to celebrity endorser.
1.2 Review of related literature
1.3 Research questions
1.4 Theoretical framework
According to Source Credibility Theory, acceptance of the message depends on expertise and trustworthiness of the source. Expertise is defined as the perceived ability of the source to make valid assertions. Trustworthiness is defined as the perceived willingness of the source to make valid assertions.
According to Source Attractiveness Theory, which is based on social psychological research, the acceptance of the message depends on familiarity, likeability and similarity. Familiarity is the audience's knowledge of the source through exposure; likeability is the affection for the source's physical appearance and behavior while similarity is the resemblance between source and

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