Essay On Clean Water Pollution

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Introduction Many of South Africa’s rivers are polluted in some way and are a health risk if consumed by a human. The pollution occurs from all the urban development as well as rural development. Often in rural areas the water isn’t cleaned so many people fall sick and the government spends lots of money on cleaning water. It will be cost effective if the government could find a possible alternative which cleans the water just as effectively. I chose this topic because of my interest in nature and the environment, and I would like to know of natural ways to clean water. It is interesting in the sense that I haven’t heard of the topic and I couldn’t find an answer when I was researching around the topic. It will also be really interesting to see if natural forms even clean the water and what factors cause it to clean them or not. This would also be very use not only to me but to other people, the school and maybe even the government. The best cleaning water system has never been determined and it would be a great alternative to clean the water without adding other chemicals. I am going to get …show more content…

Most of it is caused by urban areas and humans. This pollution cause many people to become ill and some even die. Also plants and animal life suffer and ecosystems deteriorate. “South Africa has, in general, a limited supply of water and the quality of this water is being threatened by pollution and the destruction of river catchments. Water is a vital resource and it is up to ALL South Africans to act responsibly in their daily lives and look after the available water resources to ensure that this limited supply is usable by all life on earth.” (Team, n.d.) Causes of pollution: (Team, n.d.) • Urbanisation – ineffective sewage collection and treatment, physical disturbance of land and increase in litter. • Deforestation – soil wasted into rivers which increases murkiness, increase in

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