Key Competencies Of Trainee Teachers Essay

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Key Teacher Competencies of Trainee Teachers Mentored in Primary Schools

A professional teacher today is required to demonstrate an increasingly large repertoire of personal as well as professional qualities. Teaching practice which is related to effective classroom learning has many aspects such as: well-structured lessons, student outcomes, supportive classroom climate, and individualized instruction. Hence, the goal of practice in teacher education is to maintain a balance between the theoretical and fundamental contents of the curricula and the development of student's practical skills. In the Republic of Macedonia, as in many South European and East European countries, the Higher Education Acts does not include the institution of the training school, the so-called faculty school. That is why close collaboration is based on the faculties' initiative and bilateral institutional agreement between the faculty and the schools without the existence of a higher legislative anchorage. In these conditions, supervising teachers are not specially trained for their mentors' activity either, but they are willing to work with students. This paper attempts to rethink the key competencies of the student teachers mentors and to provide some …show more content…

There is no magic formula for making mentoring relationships or mentoring programs work effectively. What is known through the research is that the effectiveness of any mentoring relationship is contingent on the quality of the relationship between the two parties. Where there is mutuality, respect and knowledge transfer, the mentoring is likely to work well. Where there is little mutuality and a mismatch in expectations, this is a recipe for difficulty (Ehrich,

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