Essay On Cyber Security

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Wireless security is one of the most serious cyber issues over the past one decade. With the advancement in technology in computer science , it has been a serious issue to prevent unauthorized access to private as well as official networks. Since it was easier to steal someone else data earlier therefore there was a need for some advances to be made such as encryption and MAC address. Even with the use of these technologies it was still possible to connect to other person’s LAN network. So some new technologies like CCE,WPA,AES etc were introduced to improve security of online networks. With the recent advancements in software and hardware fields it has become easier for the network administrators to prevent loss of their as well as users data from unauthorized access. …show more content…

Cyber security is also known as IT or network security. Websites domains and servers are protected from various cyber attacks as well as threats by cyber security. With the advancement in technology , network security plays an important role in protection of military,government as well as our daily use networks. We can protect ourselves from these attacks if we have a knowledge of how these cyber attacks are executed. In order to prevent these attacks , the architecture of the network can be modified. Firewalls as well as certain network policies are used by many companies to secure there network from network attacks. In today’s world internet has become more and more widespread as it is used everywhere , ranging from our house to our work place, school , cars, mobile phones and nowadays even television is connected to internet. Therefore it becomes important to prevent access of unauthorized person to our network or computers ,it becomes easy for him not only to spy on us but also he can mess up with our hardware and software and even our

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