Essay On Dance Team

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Step Into Our Dance Shoes: 10 Vital Rules to Know Before Joining a Dance Team
Best summed up by an article from the Tab, “There is nothing like being on a dance team. It is one of those things – you can only fully comprehend it if you’re a part of one.” (Pandey,Secrets Everyone In A Dance Team Knows,The Tab) there are so many things that many people outside of a dance team do not know. Some people think it is easy and that we barely do anything. Others are more knowledgeable, but will never truly understand. If one is contemplating trying out for the dance team or if one is a part of the student body, a person outside of the dance team has a few things to learn. Dance is a hard sport. A dancer puts in a lot of blood, sweat and tears to be out on the field or court for about two minutes.
Rule 1: Love cuts your losses; one will never threaten to quit
When one joins a dance team one joins it for two reasons: their love of the sport of dance and the people they meet and get to spend their time with in the sport. No matter what, their love for their teammates and the sport itself will always be their motivation. There are many things that one can find to complain about when one is on the dance team and that is totally acceptable, but a dancer …show more content…

It’s not that dancers dislike cheerleaders or don’t respect them. It is that they feel disrespected when they are called a cheerleader. We are dancers-not cheerleaders. We do not stand on the sidelines and yell cheers. We dance to music. No disrespect to the cheerleaders because it’s magnificent that they do that, but that’s not what we do and one may find them self having to explain that to everyone all the time. One does not disrespect them. A dancer acknowledges their differences and keeps a friendly

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