Essay On Dark Chocolate

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Dark chocolate keeps getting better and better, and I’m not just talking about its taste. It is well known dark chocolate has beneficial effects on cardiovascular health. What you may not know is that a recent study has found chocolate may prevent the development of atrial fibrillation (AF). Mostofsky et. al published a prospective cohort study that found an association between moderate chocolate intake and a lowered risk of AF.1 This isn’t just great news for chocolate lovers, but also for individuals who want to maintain their cardiovascular health. Especially since AF is the most common irregular heart rhythm, affecting over 350,000 Canadians.2

AF is characterized by an irregular heart rhythm, also known as an arrhythmia, which originates in the atria of the heart.2 In a normal heart rhythm, an electrical impulse is generated in the sinoatrial node which travels to the atrioventricular node and then to the ventricles.2 This electrical impulse allows the atria and ventricles to contract to pump blood through the heart.2 In AF the electrical signals are highly disorganized and rapid, resulting in ineffective atrial contraction and an irregular ventricular rhythm.2 Clots may form in the atria, because of the …show more content…

Although, this may prevent people from eating dark chocolate, flavanol is what gives chocolate its antioxidant properties.7 Flavanol has an aromatic ring structure that can eliminate ROS, decreasing cell damage caused by oxidative stress.7 Also, flavanols can decrease blood pressure and prevent hypertension by inhibiting the angiotensin-converting enzyme responsible for constricting blood vessels and stimulating vasodilation.3,7 Therefore, dark chocolate promotes endothelial function by reducing ROS and blood pressure, that could have otherwise lead to cell damage and ultimately

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