How Does Our Dreams Determine Our Destiny

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Our personal success and that of our nation rely solely upon our dreams. Our dreams determine our destination of life and our destination also determines our destiny. Where a person or a nation destination lies there their destiny for the future also lies. Too often we mistakenly measure the success of others or nations through their wealth or riches or the kind of material they possesses such as cars, ships, personal jets and mansion they have. We easily forgot that is their dreams that enable them possess those possessions. Our success and our failure depend solely on our dreams for life. Many who normally measure the success of men according to their wealth and possession never achieve much in life and end up envying them and be jealous of them but men wealth is not in the things they have accomplish but in their dreams. The …show more content…

We normally see and hear people moaning and complaining that nature blesses them with bad destiny and they wish nature change those destiny for them. But the joy is that destiny can be changed only through our dream. Just as there is a price to pay when one wants to move from one destination to another by car so does our destiny. Just as that journey by car requires work, time, direction, risks, perseverance and endurance so that any person who desires to change his destiny for the better. Nonetheless, too often people wish and hope their destiny can change through God without paying life this price through their dreams, plans and abilities to bear risk and fight any challenge that might face them on the way toward that

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