Essay On Effective English Classes

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What are effective English classes? Who makes them effective? Not just limited to “English” Classes, all classes are the mutual communication between teachers and students. According to Jianying Li who has studied Foreign Languages at China West Normal University, “effective” mainly refers to the specific progress or development of students after a period of teaching by teachers. If students do not want to learn or they have gained nothing after learning, even if teachers teach harder and harder, it is still ineffective teaching. What are the ways to interact effectively between teachers and students? There are three preconditions: openness, interest, activity.
Teachers should make classes open for communication. Students have to feel free to say anything what they would like to ask. If students are afraid of asking teachers, it is impossible to have an effective communication between them. Teachers should get feedback from students continuously about the stuff they are teaching to make sure whether students understand it or not. According to an educationalist at Harvard University, Amy Adams, education is not just teachers giving information to students. Students actually acquire more information by asking what they were wondering about. And the information become their knowledge which will last long.
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Teachers tend to give lots of information to students directly as much as possible. However, it is rather easy to go on to one-sided communication. The significant thing is to give lots of opportunities to students to say about their ideas and opinions actively not passively. To do that teachers should make the class open and students feel free to talk. One of the methods to make the atmosphere of the class open is to do various kinds of activities. After all, the activities can attract students’

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