Essay On Employee Mentality

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The majority of people will develop one of two mentalities about their work: an employee mentality or a business owner mentality. Here are some traits of people with an employee mentality: • I work for a paycheck — period. • There’s no need to give more than I have to, because the company will take advantage of me. • The business is lucky to have me. • Somebody is mandated to take care of me. • I am entitled simply because I work here. • I only do what I am told to do. Believe it or not, even some business owners have an employee mentality. When an employer does not sacrifice personal preference for the good of the business, that employer has an employee mentality. When an employer works a 32-hour week, takes vacations when due, takes little …show more content…

Such employees are self-motivated, do not feel a sense of entitlement, and have the drive to give more than is expected for the good of the business. They understand that if the business does well, they will ultimately benefit too. The Business Owner mentality dictates that you understand, ask questions and seek realistic answers as you set out to start your own business. The following is an excerpt from the SBA website for those of you who are looking to start your own business: "Why do you want to start your own Business? Starting your own business can be an exciting and a rewarding experience. It can offer numerous advantages such as being your own boss, setting your own schedule and making a living doing something you enjoy. But, becoming a successful entrepreneur requires thorough planning, creativity and hard work. Consider whether you have the following characteristics and skills commonly associated with successful entrepreneurs: Comfortable with taking risks: Being your own boss also means you’re the one making tough decisions. Entrepreneurship involves uncertainty. Do you avoid uncertainty in life at all costs? If yes, then entrepreneurship may not be the best fit for you. Do you enjoy the thrill of taking calculated risks? Then read

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