Essay About Attitude

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Derived from the latin word “aptitude” and the Italian “ atto” ( latin= actus or English = act) the word attitude was considered an abstract mental concept less than a century ago. Different scholars have given different definitions of attitude. Attitude is the overall feelings of a person towards any particular thing (Gardner, 1980). Ajzan claimed that attitude of a person is positive or of negative attributes to anything (Ajzan, 1988). Attitude is an important element in language learning (Gardner, 1985). Attitudes towards learning language got much attention after Gardner influential work in 1985 (Gardner, 1985), and there is a lot of work on attitudes of people regarding different language learning. Shohamy and Donitsa-Schmidt in (1998), …show more content…

Those countries have showed varied reactions after the departure of British rulers. Some have accepted and nativized English and other countries have not. In many countries where English is not native language yet enjoys the status of a widely used language. Pakistan also fits in this category. These different attitudes have resulted in various varieties of English which are a reflection of either nativized English or englishized local languagse. The role of the English has been discussed widely. Kachru and other have popularized the term ‘World Englishes’. Kachru’s contribution to the World Englishes is the categorization of English using countries in three circles that is inner, outer and expanding circles. These circles are divided on the basis of the status of English as a native language, second language and a foreign language. Jenkins (2003) has discussed a number of models of English citing MCArthur (1987) and Golarch (1988). The main similarity between them is that they have proposed “circle models” of English usage. Karahan explain that social factors and economic needs greatly affect the students attitude towards learning English language. So, attitudes can vary due to social and economical

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