English As A First Language Essay

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Can you imagine yourself as a linguist who studies world languages? Would it be difficult for you or easy? I think, it is difficult, because you have to learn more languages, to compare and to analyze . You should give concrete information for learners as much as possible. But on the other hand it is an interesting job. You have a lot of knowledge. I am not a linguist now, I am a student, but while learning I am faced with a lot of linguistic features.
We usually learn many books and articles in lessons, and last time we read three articles which written by different authors and compared world languages as a lingua-franca in the future. In the first article, Nicholas Ostler gives his surprising ideas. He connected his thoughts with the history of the world. It is said that English is the most popular language from the ancient times. And from the point of Mr Ostler´s views, spreading of English is in connection with two new factors that are modern nationalism and technology. It is the reason for growing the number of world population and increasing of web-services. Nowadays they are widely-known fields all over the world, nevertheless Mr Ostler argues English cannot be a lingua-franca in future since the small number of people using it as a mother tongue.
In the next one Chinese is …show more content…

There are some statistics there. First of all, let´s consider David Graddol´s sayings. “The status of English as a global language may peak soon”, he predicts. Because English has a great arena in science. But it is unusual that there will no world language. Arabic will rise and English will decline. As a result, English, Spanish, Hindu and Arabic are credible to be equal. Despite the fact that English decreases, Scott Montgomery says, it will keep its influence in education. A lot of books are created in English, therefore there is no way to disappear English. It continues to be used in

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