Ethical Hacking Essay

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Computer security

What is security ?
The state of being free from danger or threat.In information technology, security is the protection of information assets of technology, processes, and training.
Security is the degree of resistance to, or protection from, harm. It applies to any vulnerable and valuable asset, such as a person, dwelling, community, item, nation, or organization.
History of ethical hacking
1.Hacking has been a part of computing for 40 years.
2.The first computer hacker emerged at MIT.
3.Hacking is began in the1960s at MIT, origin of the term “hacker”.
4.The truth hacker amongst our societies have thirst for the knowledge.
5.Boredom is never an object of challenge for the hacker.

SO,what is hacking?
Hacking is the practice …show more content…

That best describes what I do as a security professional. I use the same software tools and techniques as malicious hackers to find the security weakness in computer networks and systems. Then I apply the necessary fix or patch to prevent the malicious hacker from gaining access to the data. This is a never-ending cycle as new weaknesses are constantly being discovered in computer systems and patches are created by the software vendors to mitigate the risk of attack. Ethical hackers are usually security professionals or network penetration testers who use their hacking skills and toolsets for defensive and protective purposes. Ethical hackers who are security professionals test their network and systems security for vulnerabilities using the same tools that a hacker might use to compromise the network. Any computer professional can learn the skills of ethical hacking. The term cracker describes a hacker who uses their hacking skills and toolset for destructive or offensive purposes such as disseminating viruses or performing denial-of service (DoS) attacks to compromise or bring down systems and

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