Ocean Overfishing

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Fish stocks all around the world have been declining for the past 50 years. Tuna has been hit by that the hardest with almost 80% of their stocks being overfished. Human impact on the ocean's ecosystems and fish stocks are devastating, some studies suggest that the ocean will be fish free by 2048.
An ecosystem is an biological environment that interacts with its organism. Ecosystems are crucial for fish and plants to survive. Interfering with an ecosystem can have devastating long term effects on the population of certain fish(Costanza). Another way to look at an ecosystem are cities, we humans rely on the resources in a city. If that city would get destroyed we would have difficulties surviving. These ecosystem not only get hurt because there …show more content…

This is due to the increase in the demand for Tuna. When tuna became popular in the 1950s fishers caught more fish every year and started to overfish the oceans. The way most fisheries fish for their fish also contributes to the rapid decline in fish population. All these factors play a role in the decline of fish, but overfishing has contributed the most by far with an estimated 970-2700 billion fish are killed each year, this number is expected to be much higher due to illegal fishing. 1000 billion fish are used for meat or to make oil (Fish count estimates). 37-120 billion of those fish come from fish farms which is a more sustainable and ethical way of getting fish. According to WWF an international organisation that fights for nature published an article saying that the global fishing fleet is 2-3 bigger than what our oceans can sustain(Unsustainable fishing). This means we are catching fish faster than they are able to reproduce. This will also eventually impact the fishers. This is since at one point there will be no fish left to be caught. When this happens all the 35 million people that have fishing as a main job will lose their jobs. An early example of this was when the cod stocks collapsed in canada and some 40,000 people lost their jobs overnight with 10,000 being fishers(Unsustainable fishing). For the human race to erode an entire type of animal would be disastrous and unethical. Fish have never done anything to humans so there is no need to eliminate them. Although the human race requires a lot of fish for the nutritions there are more sustainable ways to fish which would help the fishes to keep their home and being able to reproduce. The only reason for fisheries to overfish the oceans to this point is because they want to maximize profits. Which is not an ethical reason to exploit the ocean to the

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