Essay On Food Utilization

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As per FAO, food utilization is commonly understood as the way the body makes the most of various nutrients in the food. . Sufficient energy and nutrient intake by individuals, diversity of the diet and intra-household distribution of food determines the nutritional status of individuals. However, it can also be defined as the utilization of the food by the community, the consumption patterns, nutritional balance in their diet patterns due to the different cooking practices and so on. Food utilization is also influenced by the way in which food is handled, prepared and stored. To analyse the utilization patterns it is important to analyse the economic development of the country as it is normally accompanied by improvements in food supply and the gradual elimination of dietary deficiencies. Hygienic and healthy food is a prerequisite for the human body to absorb nutrients effectively, and to prepare a healthy meal, access to clean water is crucial, this helps maintaining a healthy body. The last 20 years have shown a significant progress in these areas and the share of the world’s population without access to adequate drinking …show more content…

In 2011, UIC data covered almost 148 countries covering almost 95 per cent of the world’ SAC (School Aged Children) population. It was estimated that iodine intake was inadequate in 32 countries, adequate in 69, more than adequate in 36, and excessive in 11. Of the 32 countries with iodine deficiency, nine are classified as moderately deficient and 23 as mildly deficient (Figure No. 1). No country is categorized as severely deficient. Excessive intake has been associated with foods with naturally high iodine content (e.g. kelp, seaweed) or excessive amounts of iodine consumed from processed foods; where there is high iodine content in water; in instances of excessively iodized

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