Gender And Gender Discrimination

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Gender is range of characteristics pertaining to and differentiating between masculinity and femininity. It is linked to socially constructed notion of masculinity and femininity, it is not necessarily a direct product of an individual’s biological sex.


Gender discrimination means discrimination based on a person's gender or sex, which is very common in our society and it more often affects girls and women. Because of gender discrimination, girls and women do not have the same opportunities as boys and men for education, meaningful careers, political influence, and economic advancement.

The society we are living in discriminate individual on the bases of one’s sex. Men are thought to be brave, smart and master …show more content…

Male dominance:

It means that the male has more control, and the female is submissive. The male creates the rules that the female must obey. It means that there also can be punishments for the female if there is disobedience on the farther side of the spectrum.

Social organization marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family, the legal dependence of wives and children, and the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line and broadly control by men of a disproportionately large share of power.
Toys theory:

According to Professor Blake more research ‘‘We identified more than 100 toys and classified them to indicate how such each toy was associated with boys, girls, or neither.’’
In general the toys most associated with boys were related to fighting or aggression (wrestlers, soldiers, guns, etc.), and the toys most associated with girls were related to appearance (Barbie dolls and accessories, ballerina costumes, makeup, jewelry, …show more content…

Two cognitive approaches to gender typing have looked at when children acquire different types of gender information and how such information modifies their gender-role activities and behaviors. Kohl berg's three-stage cognitive developmental theory of gender typing suggests that children begin by categorizing themselves as male or females, and then feel rewarded by behaving in gender-consistent ways. To do this, they must develop gender identity, gender stability, and gender constancy.

Gender-Schema Theory: An Information-Processing Approach
Gender schema theory suggests that children develop naive mental schema that help them organize their experiences in such a way that they will know what to attend to and how to interpret new information. According to this theory, we should expect individual differences in how gender-schematic children will be.

Discrimination as paying lower wages to woman: There are very few jobs offer for women in society especially in mediocre areas. Women work very hard and they are paid less as compare to men of

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