Essay On Grey Hair

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Grey hair, most probably one of the biggest nightmares of the human beings. But it is a known and established fact that with the growing age, our hair turns grey, but today, graying of hair is seen even in children and young people below 30 years of age Our hair becomes grey when the production of the pigment stops. Let us see below some of the natural home remedies to delay graying of the hair What Causes Grey Hair ? Ageing Hereditary Stress Deficiency of vitamin B12 Malnutrition Hypothyroidism Smoking Pollution Albinism Vitiligo TB Anemia PCOS Werner Syndrome The color of the hair is due to melanin, and in the case of its reduced amounts, it becomes gray or white. This pigment’s activity is lowered with age, so the body slowly stops its production. Fortunately, grayish strands can be solved in a natural way. Initially, you should make …show more content…

You should add half a cup of dried leaves of these herbs in a pot with 2 cups of water. Boil the leaves and leave them for several hours. Then, strain and use it to rinse the hair after shampooing. Leave it to act for 15-20 minutes, and then wash it off. Do this treatment once a week. 6.Blackstrap Molasses This is a popular home remedy for graying hair, as it produces a pigment which effectively reduces gray hair. The consumption of blackstrap molasses will provide 14 percent of the recommended daily dosage of copper, as well as high amounts of iron, magnesium, and selenium. Hence, you should take a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses every morning for a few months. 7.Onion Juice Onion juice is of great help in this case, and experts claim that graying of the hair is due to accumulation of hydrogen peroxide at the bases of hair follicles bases, and this juice supports the production of catalase. Therefore, you should massage the scalp with onion juice, leave it to act for half an hour, and rinse. Repeat on a daily basis for a few weeks. 8.Black

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