Essay On Harmful Effects Of Smoking

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Almost every parts of our body would be at risk or can be affected when a person started to smoke and it can cause many diseases that may lead to illness. Later on we will discuss why smoking is harmful to our health and what would be the effects of it to our body. Every single stick of cigarette that a person takes it might be the cause of her/his life to be at risk and here are the following harmful effects of cigarette smoking to human health, specifically on a persons’ respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous system: *CITATIONS PLEASE*
These could be the effects of smoke on our respiratory system; Toxins in tobacco smoke harm the body from the moment they enter through the mouth and nose. They damage tissues and cells all the way to the lungs. Adults who have smoked when they were teenagers they might affect their lungs that will cause it to never grow to its potential size and never perform at full capacity, this is because the lungs of the youths are still growing, due to the chemicals in a cigarette it will cause of slowing down the …show more content…

Some cigarettes contain about 9mg of nicotine because so much nicotine is burned off; smokers will surely get about 1mg of nicotine every time they smoke. Nicotine can reach the central nervous system for about 3-5 minutes when tobacco is chewed. Smoking can be stimulating or relaxing but it depends on a persons’ mood and the dosage of nicotine. Also, nicotine acts on the central and peripheral nervous system. The rapid effects of nicotine include the increase of blood pressure and heart rate, faster respiration, constriction of the arteries, and stimulation of the central nervous

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