Health Care System Essay

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The health care system is a studied plan of the health services that the government provide for the Citizens, it is focuses in personal health care services for individuals and families, which is available at hospitals and clinics. The health care services maintain a hygienic and healthy environment, for instance safety regulations, drug regulations and controlling the essential supplies such as water and food. It is also take a part in health education and researches related to disease to prevent them from spreading, detect them and finding the treatments.

There are six types of health care, primary care, secondary care, tertiary care, respite care, Restorative care and continuing care. In this essay, I am going to compare and contrast …show more content…

Singapore has built and maintain an excellent health care system at lower cost however the health care is not free for the consumers according to the Previous Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew ( book sing ). Singapore has achieved its health care goals by many factors, the political unit, growing economy, focusing in the human rights, education and women’s health. Singapore took early actions to develop the health care system such as, charging people for visiting the clinics, sending doctors to other countries to train them, solving the housing issue, upgrading the hospitals and clinics and moving primary care to a network of clinics. Singapore health care system has five objectives, become a healthy nation by providing good health care, individual responsibility for one’s own health and avoid medical insurance, provide a high-quality service for all Singaporean, improve service by engaging competition and market force and keep the health care cost down when the market fails ( book sing ). Singapore respect the education of women they believe it is very essential to the future of the country, they improved women right and focused in their health needs and health education, the educated woman was able to look after her health, her health during pregnancy and her family and children

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