Research Paper On Ogmi Temple

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Ruben Emile Moolman
OMG 122 exam assignment


The temple I persuaded is located in Laudium in Centurion, this temple follows the basic design of most Hindu temples located in India. After thorough research I could unfortunately not locate the name of the architect of the building. On the grounds of this temple are several different elements each carrying a relation to the Hindu religion, which will be seen in my sketches. The temple was currently under construction when I attended it, the main gate was being painted in the iconic method of most Hindu temples.

Hindu temples

Hindus normally worship over alters at their homes, family alters, found at the temple, are visited daily for prayers. The temples are more commonly …show more content…

The exterior of the buildings consists of many carved imagery of deities, panels also contain images of elephants and monkeys as well as plants.
The exterior of the Hindu temples are usually more decorated than the interior, to allow the worshiper not to lose focus of the main shrine of the temple.
These deities usually include subjects such as nagas, mythical multi headed snakes which are representatives of scenes from the Hindu epic the Ramatana.
Many Hindu temples contain very explicit images of bare-breasted women as to symbolise their beauty and some also feature the phallic lingams in the sanctuary also containing images of asparas-dancing.
On the top of some towers amalaks can be found which aare derived from the gourdlike myrobalan fruit. These towers also contain lotuses or lotus buds. (Anon. 2004)

Hindu temple customs

Hindu religions are normally very strict as to visitors of the religion (non-Hindus) are not allowed in most temples especially not the inner sanctum. These areas are normally pointed out by signs stating where non-Hindus are allowed to go. It is important not to visit these temples wearing any leather as cows are regarded sacred in this religion. Women should also avoid visiting these temples during their mistral

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