
Essay On Hook Up Culture

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Divorce rates in America have been steadily rising. This can be said to be due to many reasons such as the law passed in 1969 stating that it did not have to be infidelity charges or physical abuse in order to get a divorce (Evolution). And this is true; due to this law it has become ever so much easier to get a divorce, and this would lead to people not caring as much about who or when they marry, because it doesn 't have to be forever anymore. The problem is people who do not put in the effort or time to fix their marriage, and rush into it not thinking about the long term commitment it is. In order to fix this, couples need to regain the moral value that once influenced long lasting marriages before. After 1969 charts show that both men and women were getting married at a younger age, in their early twenties as opposed to late twenties and thirties (Working), this leads to less time to get to know each other and more ‘love at first sight’ and rushing into things. America is turning to ‘hook-up culture’ (Hookup) and it is leading to controversy in the eyes of divorce. Does this hook up nature requisite that divorce is to come, or does it promote the idea of finding your lifelong soul partner? …show more content…

Just as going to a rated R movie at 18 or diving at 16 or drinking at 21, marriage at an early age can also be fatal to both persons health. “They still have not yet established their true desires and goals in life. Their minds and hearts are bound to change. It is possible they will realize later on that they are not really suitable for each other. This often leads to divorce.” (Marriage) Over all, making divorce legal only at a later age would be better financially legally and morally better. Divorce takes a lot out of people. It causes heartbreak and sometime depression. This means that the person must then get the required help of therapists or

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