Essay On How To Reduce Recycling

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Reduce, Reuse, And Recycle! How many people recycle? Sadly, not as many people recycle as much as they should. Recycling is one of the many misunderstood but extremely important issue, as many people are realizing that recycling helps our ecosystem. Some people may not know what recycling is, or what the benefits of recycling can do to our environment, ecosystem, etc. Also, recycling includes three steps, which creates a continuous loop, represented by the familiar recycling symbol. ( When people choose to recycle, they choose to be proactive about protecting the fragile ecosystem of Earth. Who knows what recycling is? Well basically, recycling is the reprocessing of used materials into new ones. This is done not to waste materials but to make them useful again. Recycling extends beyond people’s home life, yet it extends to the work field. People can encourage their coworkers to recycle work supplies. Another place recycling can extend to is too schools. Teachers can encourage students to recycle, also discuss and engage in it whenever possible. Many communities have made recycling more …show more content…

Recycling helps our environment by saving money. Having a strong economy is efficient in nature. If something drags it down then it has to pay for the resources that are growing scarce in the country. Every bit of recycling counts, if the economy does not have to pay for the purchases of fuels or planting new forests. When recycling, it saves energy and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases are mainly responsible for the increase in global warming. It helps reduce air and water pollution by reducing the number of pollutants released into the ecosystem. If one glass bottle is recycled then it is enough to light a light bulb for four hours. It shows how much energy saved if people recycle

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