How To Meet My Goals In Life Essay

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Life is full of opportunities but it is up to you to decide to take on that opportunity, or leaving it behind. I want to say that I had access to the all the support and means in to order to succeed, but that is not true. Yes, my family does give me words of wisdom, always tell me to reach for the stars, always tell me be the best that I can be, but I can not say that I am supplied with the means or knowledge on how to meet these goals besides, “keep up the good grades.” My family is very positive and want to see me strive and succeed but no one has helped me or showed me how to succeed, how to meet my goals, how to apply for college, what to expect, and this is mostly because no one in my immediate family has gone through this process to teach …show more content…

I do not want my children to have the same childhood as I have had. Don’t get me wrong, I do not resent my mother. I respect her and appreciate her for raising me and showing what to do and what not to do. What to aspire for and what to work for so I will not have to struggle how she has or how our family has. My mother and my family showed me the value of education and how important it is to survive in this world. That without the proper education it is hard to get anything done. They have pushed me to get an education and from a very young age, I have strived for knowledge. To take advantage of any and every opportunity handed to me and run with it. When I was offered the opportunity to join a gifted program to challenge my learning skills and help my skills to progress at a higher level, I jumped at the opportunity and from then on I continue to do so. My dreams and aspirations are limitless and I will always feel and think that way. I will take every opportunity and use it to my

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